Please let me introduce Daniela Aguirre, she is one of the group of the naturalist guides women team that works with Galatrails. Daniela also speak german, she has been working in private boats just to name few.
In this short video we want to share with you a message how situation goes so far in the Galapagos Islands , we know also that global situation with COVID-19 has not been easy at all for everyone, this year has showed us so much about life, going from spend more time with our families, do things we stopped doing in the past like a job that you wanted to start and is was not possible to do it.
The tourism industry was hit in huge, as Galapagos islands we are a region that 80% depends on tourism, in the past the first pioneers before the tourism start growing, people were focus on agriculture. Just to give you an example people has to do rides from the highlands in horses or mules bringing their products to the few groups of people that used to lived close to the sea or even doing barter of products.
Is clear that people want travel again, but this wont be possible until a cure arrives. But something we have seen is that the world is moving and in the tourism industry will be a brand new model of traveling, different industry regions in the world are working on bio-security protocols, tours tend to be more private and so on.
As Galatrails, we are working, improving and following all the measures regarding bio-security protocols done by the Ecuadorians and locals authorities, all this is a process that will continue changing and we also learning from that as a company.
We wan to tell you, that take your time and when you feel confortable and ready start traveling again. we will be here waiting for you!